Therapeutic Massage for Tendonitis






Tendonitis can be caused by many different activities including gardening, sports, aging, arthritis and more. Massage therapy can be used as a pain relief method. It can help improve pain as well as help promote healing of the tissues and muscles.

What is tendonitis?

Tendonitis occurs after repetitive strain to the muscle causing inflammation of a tendon. A tendon is a thick cord of fibrous tissue that attaches your muscle to bone. It commonly affects the shoulder, elbow, wrist, thumb, hip, knee, lower calf and angles.

There are two types of tendonitis- acute and chronic. Acute (sudden onset) can lead to chronic (long-term) tendonitis if you do not properly rest and heal the joint.

What causes tendonitis?

The most common cause is from overuse which most often happens to athletes. (Golf, tennis, baseball etc.) Those with rheumatoid arthritis are susceptible as well.

What are symptoms of tendonitis?

The pain of tendonitis can be mild to severe. It can get worse as it develops, recognizing symptoms is important so that you can become treatment early on. Here are a few of the main symptoms:

  • Pain and pressure in the tendon
  • Movement restricted
  • Pain when touching or moving the injured tendon
  • Burning around the area
  • Swollen, red, or lumpy area
  • Pain worse after movement
  • Pain usually worse at night and in the morning


How can massage help?

It is important to know that you should not get a massage until at least 48 hours after the injury is sustained. Also wait to get a massage if the area is swollen or inflamed. Massage therapy can help decrease swelling, improve circulation and help restore mobility to the area. The friction caused by massage can stimulate production of collagen in damaged tendons and heal the area rapidly.

What are other treatment options?

If you are suffering from tendonitis pain rest, icing and stopping your activities. You can also take ibuprofen or aspirin to help with the pain and swelling. Depending on the severity, you may need a temporary sling or brace.

How can I prevent this from occurring?

  • Make sure to stretch/warm up before beginning any exercise routine.
  • Be careful about thinking “no pain, no gain.” If you have a severe ache that could be an injured tendon don’t push through it.
  • Take breaks during activities where you have to reach up high (such as painting).
  • Wear shoes that fit properly and are comfortable.


If you think you are suffering from tendonitis and are interested in improving your pain with massage therapy, set up and appointment today.